My name is Bob Bellamy and I am an Amber GM. While that sounds like a confession, it's actually more of
an explanation, insomuch as a defense, of why someone would spend the amount of time I have on making up
a web page and images for a game.
While I have been gaming since 1983, I have played literally hundreds of games using dozens of RPG
systems. Alternatively, I have run dozens of campaigns using almost as many RPG rule systems. Of all of them,
I have to say the most fun and most fantastic storytelling has come from a game system that has absolutely
no dice, card or other random engine mechanic to it at all.
Gamer Cat (aka Noble) is my partner in game mastering. He works as my GM'ing inspiration and partner. The logic
goes like this: 'If Noble would do it, then it's not too mean or cruel.' and also, 'If it's on an edge, knock it off
to see if it breaks.'