Kinshasa, the largest city in the Democratic Republic of Congo, was devastated by internal strife and conflict in what looked to be an re-enactment of the 1991 Zaire incident in which soldiers rioted and against Mobuto's corrupt regime, except in this case it was the efforts of the Pesa Yadama terrorist organization that brought about starvation and economic disaster to the region.
Previously declared Interdiction Status by UNCOS, things grew to a head when several members of the Daedalus Foundation, working with local relief services to deliver aid and resources to the area, were ambushed by the Q-terrorist gang. In a timely move, Daedalus Foundation deployed several of its newly designed Ibis Q-drive Hovercraft and under cover of night, rescued several dozen hostages and delivered a large amount of relief. Retaliation from the Yadama gang would have destroyed all vehicles and staff involved, but UNCOS lifted their Interdiction and in short time, several Quasar teams along with AEGIS forces arrived to capture all twenty-one of the enhanced members of the Pesa Yadama and restore the region to order.
Several representatives, including Russian UNCOS Council Member Yesfir Alexeeva accused the Daedalus Foundation as acting as proxy for United States and UN merely to induce a political and military response, UNCOS Director of Intelligence Dierdre Orikobo resigned and accepted a position with AEGIS, primarily in protest of unspoken events that took place following the Intervension.
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©Last Updated November 2, 2022 by RJB