For anyone playing the GenCon 2024 Team Icarus vs. the Whisper Alliance, click on the Icarus link for characters and opening credits.
Mission Brief
August 2022
Wellbridge Farmers vs. Stonebranch (S1E03: Days and Works)
The start of the episode began with a radio appearance by Team Daedalus, as they were being hailed for their heroic actions in Episode 2, where they saved all of the hostages and teh building. They were, however, attacked by Red Glacier and a group of hired thugs. Red Glacier was taking the opportunity to kidnap Dr. Anson and transmit his manifesto against all corporate and governmentally sponsored Quasars. Team Daedalus defeated him after a pitched battle. Then Team Daedalus received contact that the Jigu, a mercenary Quasar NKA ex-patriate team was hired by Stonebranch, a farming corporation, for their subsidiary Cargill and they would likely be used to help take over the FMF Farmers Commune outside of Wellbridge, Kansas. After heading off a gun fight between Stonebranch security and the local farmers over an "accidental" collision between a produce truck and a hog hauler, the heroes went to work helping out FMF however it could. Remarkably enough, Simian's accounting skills showed them how to extend their economic viability from a few days to a few weeks or longer. Then the nearby north pasture, directly en route to Murphy Creek and two of the co-op family farm homes, was beset by a mysterious stampede. The heroes intervened, but not before getting into conflict with the Jigu. Stonebranch claimed the Jigu were protecting the livestock as deputized livestock agents, but the party knows they started the ambush. When one of the Johnson boys fell into a well, the heroes went to help, only to learn that they were being distracted so the menfolk could mount up into pickups and make the men at the Stonebranch compound pay for their attempts at killing them and their families. The heroes go to intervene and must face off against Stonebranch security forces *and* the Jigu, with the local farmers in the middle of it.
Team Daedalus defeats the Jigu after saving the locals from ambushes on a highway and a cattle stampede. However, the defeat drove the honor-bound Jigu to find a way to make sure they complete their mission, by inducing a volcano on Stonebranch property, making the local land unusable. However, this does lead to the death of Earth Jigu and Void Jigu.